The Gaston County Emergency Operations Plan was
developed to address multiple hazards that threaten our
jurisdiction. Through the use of a functional format,
this plan encourages an Integrated Emergency Management
System (IEMS) approach to disaster response; and fosters
prompt, efficient and coordinated response operations by
elements of emergency response organizations. IEMS
requires system-wide integration of skills, personnel
and resources. IEMS recognizes that plans developed for
one type of emergency are extremely useful for other
emergency situations and a significant amount of
emergency operational capability can be established by
addressing broadly applicable functions.
The basic plan serves as a summary document that
outlines specific responsibilities of county agencies.
The functional annexes define how each function
works during emergency situations. Defining the roles
of each response agency reduces confusion, chaos and
conflict during emergencies and significantly decreases
vulnerability of the public and their property to
hazardous threats.
This plan meets the requirements of North Carolina
planning guidance and the legal responsibilities
identified in North Carolina General Statute 166-A. It
provides necessary elements to ensure local
governments can fulfill their legal responsibilities for
emergency preparedness.
The Gaston County Threat Status Plan (hereafter called the TSP) is to ensure a coordinated and effective response leading up to any significant hazards that might threaten the county.
The TSP provides alerting and notification guidance to local government officials, emergency management, and other departments and agencies within Gaston County. Specific responsibilities for County departments and other agencies in the event of a threat or incident are outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The EOP will be the plan followed once an incident starts to or has affected Gaston County.
It is intended that the TSP be used in conjunction with the EOP, as amended, in anticipation of, or in response to a threat impacting Gaston County. In order to avoid duplication, the user is referred to the EOP if a more detailed description is required of agency responsibilities.
The TSP should be used by elected and appointed officials of the county and municipal governments, chief executives and policy officials, emergency response personnel, and other governmental departments and agencies to enhance monitoring, alerting, notification and preparedness status.
Joint action is recommended by Gaston County and the municipal governments within the County for decision-making and efficient and effective use of resources. For this purpose, a county wide Control Group and an EOC Group should be established to perform the following functions.
Control Group Mission:
To exercise overall direction and control and response operations including decisions to institute county wide increased readiness conditions and other actions necessary to the situation. The Control Group determines major actions to be taken (such as evacuations, curfews, re-entry, etc.) and approves authority for actions not listed on the Readiness Checklist
Composition -
- The Chair of the County Board of Commissioners will serve as County Group Chair and the Clerk to the Commissioners or alternate will be present to serve as a recorder.
- The Mayors of the City and Towns within the bounties of Gaston County.
- The County Manager and Emergency Management Administrator.
Line of Succession - In the event that any of the members of the Control Group are not available, each primary member will be asked to identify an alternate who will have the responsibility and authority of the primary member.
The Control Group will meet in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), a conference room near the EOC, or another location as necessary or by use of conference call.
EOC Group Mission:
To coordinate the provision of personnel and material resources needed to implement pre-planned actions and as directed by the Control Group; and to provide information and recommendations to the Control Group with respect to future actions.
Composition – Representatives in this group are those listed in the EOP. Responsible for coordination of resources. Other actions for this group are listed on the Readiness Checklist.
Line of Succession - In the event that any of the members of the EOC Group are not available, each primary function will be asked to identify an alternate who will have the responsibility and authority of the primary member.
The EOC Group will be located in the Gaston County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) when activated and reference roles and responsibilities listed in the EOP.
The Concept of Operations for the Gaston County TSP calls for the following actions:
- The early alerting of officials and concerned agencies throughout the County by the Office of Emergency Management or other respected agency, person or group.
- Constant communications among all management, municipalities, agencies and the Office of Emergency Management before major operations begin.
- Overall direction and decision-making by the Control Group with final approval by the Chair, Board of County Commissioners.
- Media releases from all county employees and municipalities coordinated through the County Public Information Officer (PIO) to minimize confusion to the general public.
- Increased readiness actions taken progressively as the threat approaches and as the threat of injury and damage increases. (See Appendix 1 and 2.)
- County departments use the five established preparation phases that correspond to the NC Division of Emergency Management levels of activation [See Appendix 2.]
- Local governments request state and/or federal assistance, as necessary, through the Gaston County Emergency Operations Center.
Notification of County departments and staff will be the responsibility of the County Manager and appropriate department heads.
The preparation phases identified in the Readiness Checklist are as follows:
- Level - 5 – No notable threat issued or known
- Level - 4 - The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazard within 72 Hours.
- Level - 3 - The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazards within 48 Hours.
- Level - 2 - The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazard within 24 Hours.
- Level - 1 The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazard imminently.
- Condition Recovery - The threat has passed Gaston County and the effects of the hazards have started to subside.
The Public Information Officer (PIO) will provide information to the public via the news media and other means, based upon decisions of the Control Group to include the following:
- Emergency declarations, curfews and other restrictions.
- Protective actions recommended for the public.
- Evacuation instructions.
- Re-entry instructions.
- Damage information.
- Other relevant information, as required.
The PIO will monitor information disseminated to the public by the news media from National Weather Service bulletins, advisories, and other sources in order to determine accuracy & correctness of information disseminated.
Summary of Major Activities Preparation Recommendations
Level 5 - No known threats exists
EM Administrator
- Monitors situations
- Keep County Manager advised
County PIO
- Issues press releases and public preparedness info
Level 4 - Forecast of threat effects within 72 hours
EM Administrator
- Monitors situations
- Keep County Manager advised
- Puts staff on stand-by status
County Manager
- Notifies Board of Commissioners, County Department Heads and members of the Control Group
Control Group membership:
Chairman of Board of Commissioners, County Manager, EM Administrator, Mayors of the cities or towns within the County and or their designees and recorder.
County PIO
- Issues press releases to public regarding emergency preparedness
Level 3 - Forecast of threat effects within 48 hours
EM Administrator
- Partial open EOC or call for EOC Briefing if needed
- Continue monitoring situation and keep County Manager advised.
- Recommends to County Manager that Control Group convenes to discuss situation
County PIO
- Issues press releases to media regarding emergency preparedness
County Manager
- Notifies Board of Commissioners, County Department Heads and members of the Control Group
Control Group
- Review latest information and makes policy decision if needed
Level 2 - Forecast of threat effects within 24 hours
EM Administrator
- Partial EOC activation with plan to go full activation pending threat if needed
- Continue to monitor situations and share information with County Manager
County Manager
- Notifies Board of Commissioners, County Department Heads and members of the Control Group
Control Group
- Convenes to discuss possibility of future decisions with respect to the following:
- Emergency Declarations
- Possible early evacuations
- Curfews and other restrictions
- EOC activation
- Shelters activation
- County Receiving Point activation
- Activation of local emergency plans
County PIO
- Issues press releases and public preparedness info
Level 1 - Imminently effects of a threat or hazard
Control Group
- Review latest information and makes policy decision if needed. Directs EOC Group to implement decisions taken
- Considers Emergency Declaration that is signed by Chairman of the Board
EM Administrator
- Full EOC activation if needed, maintains contact with WBO, provides Control Group with periodic updates
County PIO
- Issues press releases, notifies backup PIOs to report
Human Resource Director
- Assist with obtaining volunteers or call back employees to report to identified and needed tasks due to incident.
Condition Recovery - The threat has passed or subsided
EM Administrator oversees:
- Maintaining contact with State EM
- Works with Control Group to implement recovery plan
- Provides periodic updates
- Maintains full EOC as needed
- Coordinates damage assessment teams
- Manages the County’s Receiving Point
Quick developing weather conditions, such as summer thunderstorms, quick heavy rains, tornado like winds etc may not allow time to implement this plan, but this plan can be used as a reference tool to address items that may need to be done to better place Gaston County in the response mode to any incident.
It is assumed that each County Department Head will activate their department's internal emergency response plan as directed by the County Manager. These checklists can be modified to fit your agency; these are just suggested checklists.
The following checklists are included in this Appendix as recommendation. They may be modified to meet the changing situation(s):
1. Control Group
2. EOC Group
1. CONTROL GROUP: Provides overall Direction & Control of Response Operations
Membership: Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, Clerk to the Commissioner (Recorder) or alternate, County Manager, County Emergency Management Administrator, Mayors of the Cities or Towns within County and/or their designees.
Level 5- No threat or hazard is known
[ ] 1. Review the County's Emergency Operations Plan, especially as pertains to the responsibilities of the
Control Group.
[ ] 2. Provide Emergency Management staff with updated contact information.
Level 4- 72 hrs.
[ ] 1. Direct that employees of all jurisdictions be alerted as to the need for increased readiness, including
review of plans and procedures.
[ ] 2. Conduct initial conference calls with National Weather Service, North Carolina Division of
Emergency Management (NCEM), & other relevant agencies.
[ ] 3. Hold at least one meeting of the Control Group to review procedures & responsibilities.
Level 3- 48 hrs. Or Watch
[ ] 1. Direct that employees of all jurisdictions activate response plans for their individual agencies, as
[ ] 2. Conduct conference calls with National Weather Service, North Carolina Division of Emergency
Management, & other relevant agencies to obtain latest advisories and guidance.
[ ] 3. Conduct preliminary discussions with the Emergency Management Administrator regarding possible
Level 2- 24 hrs. Or Warning
[ ] 1. Determine any orders that should be issued, if needed, upon the recommendation of
the Emergency Management Administrator.
[ ] 2. Decide when shelters will be opened, if necessary.
[ ] 3. Assure all agencies alert and on standby.
[ ] 4. Coordinate with Western Branch NCEM, other state agencies and adjoining counties with respect to
any actions planned.
[ ] 5. Issue instructions to have all county’s vehicles to fuel up and keep tank topped off as well as
Level 1- Imminently Effects
[ ] 1. Issue orders as necessary.
[ ] 2. Order shelters to be opened if needed.
[ ] 3. Notify Western Branch Office NCEM and adjoining counties of status and planned actions.
[ ] 4. Maintain awareness of all updated reports from Weather Service, media, and other
[ ] 5. Insure that all agencies are in state of action or readiness, as appropriate.
[ ] 6. Monitor the progress of the evacuation.
[ ] 7. Order the immediate start of evacuation should conditions warrant.
[ ] 8. Issue Emergency Declaration & Curfew Order, if necessary.
[ ] 9. Communicate with other members of the Control Group, as necessary, to discuss what Direction &
Control actions need to be taken during the Recovery phase.
Condition- Recovery
[ ] 1. Decide when and where Re-Entry should be allowed, based upon reports from Damage Assessment
[ ] 2. Review Curfews and Restrictions to determine whether they should be cancelled or extended.
[ ] 3. Make key policy decisions relative to the Recovery, as needed.
2. EOC GROUP: Coordinate personnel and material resources to implement pre-planned actions and procure additional resources, if needed; Provide information, data and recommendations to the Control Group; Implement decisions made by the Control Group. The EOC Group is located at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
Membership: Designees representing the County Manager, Emergency Management, Cities and towns, Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue, EMS Medical, Health, Transportation, Public Works, Mass Care, Human Services, Communication, and Finance
Level 5- No threat or hazard is known
[ ] 1. Review the County's Emergency Operations Plan, policies, procedures and all
Memoranda of Understanding.
[ ] 2. Obtain updated contact information for staff, EOC representatives, agency heads, and other necessary
Level 4- 72 hrs.
[ ] 1. Attend Control Group meetings, as requested.
[ ] 2. Hold at least one meeting of EOC Group to review procedures and responsibilities if needed.
[ ] 3. Determine that shift schedules are in place for EOC operations and that staff are notified of
their assignments.
Level 3- 48 hrs. Or Watch
[ ] 1. Test Communications equipment and procedures.
[ ] 2. Review EOC responsibilities and assignements
[ ] 3. Furnish situation reports if needed for use by the Control Group.
Level 2- 24 hrs. Or Warning
[ ] 1. Possible partial or full EOC activation; report to EOC if notified.
[ ] 2. Monitor the pending situation or threat
[ ] 3. Furnish situation reports to Control Group, Western Branch Office NCEM, and surrounding counties.
[ ] 4. Prepare recommendations for Control Group as needed
[ ] 5. Issue instructions to have all county’s vehicles to fuel up and keep tank topped off as well as
Level 1- Imminently Effects
[ ] 1. Implement orders from the Control Group as decided.
[ ] 2. Implement orders from the Control Group relative to opening shelters if needed.
[ ] 3. Coordinate provision of communications between shelters, traffic control checkpoints, and EOC, as
[ ] 4. Monitor the progress threat.
[ ] 5. Recommend as needed to the Control Group, should conditions warrant.
Condition- Recovery
[ ] 1. Maintain liaison with law enforcement agencies.
[ ] 2. Review preliminary damage assessment reports.
[ ] 3. Request needed assistance through the Western Branch Office, NCEM.
[ ] 4. Document all actions taken in the EOC.
[ ] 5. Provide staff to liaison with state and federal officials.
5 |
No notable threat issued or known
4 |
The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazard within 72 Hours
The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazards within 48 Hours
The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazard within 24 Hours
The National Weather Service forecasts or other agency forecasts that Gaston County may feel the effects of a threat or hazard imminently. |
Recovery |
The threat has passed Gaston County and the effects of the hazards have started to subside.
II. |
This plan is intended for use by Gaston County emergency
response organizations and governmental leaders to
maximize the effectiveness of resources in response to
emergencies and disasters that could and/or have
occurred in the county. The plan is formatted as
Basic Plan: For use by chief executives and policy
making officials.
Annexes: Addresses Common Functions for use by
managers of operational functions.
Guidelines are not contained
within this plan, but must be developed by each
operational manager and are essential to the
implementation of this document. Copies of all Guidelines should be submitted and kept for reference at the
emergency operations center to ensure integration of
services when two or more agencies work together.
Each section of the plan contains a purpose statement
for that section. Individuals assigned responsibilities
should be familiar with the entire plan, however added
emphasis must be given to those sections for which they
are responsible. While all circumstances cannot be
addressed, the content of this plan should be used as a
guide for those things that do occur but are not
specifically addressed herein.
III. |
This plan designates actions to be taken by the
government agencies and private organizations of Gaston
County to reduce the vulnerabilities of people and
property to disaster and establish methodologies to
respond effectively to the actual occurrence of a
IV. |
A. |
1. |
General description of area:
Gaston County is located in North Carolina Emergency
Management’s Western Branch, Area 13 and Federal
Emergency Management Agency Region IV. Its geographic
location is the Southern Piedmont section of the State
of North Carolina. It is bound on the East by
Mecklenburg County, on the South by York County, South
Carolina, on the North by Lincoln County, and on the
West by Cleveland County. The current population of the
County and municipalities within the County is
209,420 (2013 estimate).
a. |
Gaston County provides the following governmental
services, which may have expanded duties during a
- Public Safety Division
- Emergency Management
- Fire Marshal
- Volunteer Fire Departments
- Emergency Medical Services
- Law Enforcement - County Police
- Animal Control
- Communications
- Sheriffs Office
- Public Works
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Engineering
- Planning and Code Enforcement
- Building Inspection
- Zoning Enforcement
- Parks and Recreation
- Administrative Services
- Tax Assessor
- Social Services
- Health Department
- Environmental Health
- Public Health Clinics
- Mental Health
- Education
- Gaston County Schools
- Gaston College
- Hospital
- Library
- ACCESS Transportation
b. |
The following municipalities provide services that may be expanded during a disaster or their duties
may be directly impacted by the hazard:
- City of Belmont - Sanitation and Recycling services
are contracted, Fire, Law Enforcement, Water, Sewer,
Street Maintenance.
- City of Bessemer City - Fire, Law Enforcement
(contracted with county), Sanitation (contracted),
Street Maintenance, Water, Sewer, and Natural Gas.
- City of Cherryville - Electrical Services (Electra
Cities Member), Water, Sewer, Sanitation, Street
Maintenance, Fire Protection and Law Enforcement.
- Town of Cramerton - Law Enforcement, Fire Service,
Water, Sewer, Recreation, and Street Department,
Sanitation (contracted).
- Town of Dallas - Fire Protection, Sanitation and
Recycling Services, Street Maintenance, Water,
Sewer, Law Enforcement, and Electrical (Electra
Cities Member).
- City of Gastonia - Fire Protection, Law Enforcement,
Sanitation, Water and Sewer, Parks and Recreation,
Electrical (Electra Cities Member), Building
Inspection, Hazardous Materials Team, Traffic
Engineering, Street Maintenance, Radio Repair
Service (City and County), and Airport Operations.
- Town of High Shoals - Water, Sewer, Sanitation and
Recycling Services (contracted), Street Maintenance,
Fire Protection (contracted), and Law Enforcement
(contracted with county).
- City of Kings Mountain - Water, Sewer, Natural Gas,
Fire, Law Enforcement, Parks and Recreation, Street
Maintenance, and Animal Control. **The majority of Kings
Mountain is in Cleveland County. The Emergency
Management Office of Cleveland County will serve
Kings Mountain.
- City of Lowell - Law Enforcement, Fire Protection,
Water, Sewer, Street Maintenance, Sanitation and
Recycling (contracted).
- Town of McAdenville - Fire Protection, Law
Enforcement, Water, Sewer, Street Maintenance,
Sanitation and Recycling (contracted).
- City of Mount Holly - Fire Protection, Law
Enforcement, Street Maintenance, Water, Sewer,
Sanitation and Recycling.
- Town of Ranlo - Fire Protection, Law Enforcement,
Water, Sewer, Street Maintenance, Sanitation and
- Town of Stanley - Fire Protection, Law Enforcement,
Water, Sewer, Street Maintenance, Sanitation and
Recycling (contracted) and Recreation.
2. |
The major traffic arteries are:
U.S. Highway 321, Interstate I-85, U.S. Highway 29-74,
N.C. Highway 274, N.C. Highway 277, N.C. Highway 273,
N.C. Highway 16, and N.C. Highway 27. (See
Attachment 3 - Gaston County Map)
3. |
Railroads are:
Southern Railway runs through the middle of Gaston
County to include the municipalities of Gastonia,
Cramerton, Bessemer City, Belmont, McAdenville, Lowell
and Ranlo.
CSX Railroad runs through northern Gaston County to
include the municipalities of Stanley, Mount Holly, and
Many railway spurs run throughout the county serving
business and industry.
The NC Department of Transportation has a rail system
that is not routinely used, however is available for use
as an alternative transportation route.
4. |
The County contains the following airports:
The Gastonia Municipal Airport is located on N.C. 274
South at the Gaston Day School Road. This airport is
mainly used by smaller private aircraft and some midsize
cargo planes.
The Charlotte International Airport, although not in
Gaston County, has the potential to cause impact due to
its close proximity to the eastern portion of the
county. This airport has flights of all types and sizes
arriving daily.
5. |
Gas Lines are:
Three major gas pipelines run through Gaston County from
the Cleveland County line southwest to the Lincoln
County line northeast. Numerous distribution lines feed
into communities throughout the county. Bessemer City
and Kings Mountain provide Natural Gas Service to their
Plantation Pipeline carrying liquid hydrocarbons runs
through southern Gaston County.
Colonial Pipeline carrying liquid hydrocarbons runs
through southern Gaston County.
Transcontinental Pipeline has three large diameter
pipelines that run parallel basically through the middle
of the county from southwest to northeast.
6. |
Water Distribution:
The City of Gastonia, Cherryville, Bessemer
City, Dallas, Belmont,
Mount Holly, and High Shoals provide
their own public water treatment and distribution
systems. The Towns of Cramerton, Lowell, McAdenville and
Ranlo purchase water from Gastonia. Stanley purchase water from Mount Holly. Most towns and
cities are interconnected with other municipal water
systems that would help to reduce the effect of losing a
water plant.
7. |
The County is exposed to many hazards, all of which have
the potential to disrupt the community, cause damage,
and create casualties. Potential hazards (natural,
technological and national security) for Gaston County
a. |
Potential Hazards
b. |
The County has experienced many hazards, all of which
have at some particular time caused disruption to
communities, great amounts of damage and in some cases
even created casualties. These hazards being natural,
technological and civil are:
Historical Hazards
B. |
1. |
The occurrence of any one or more of the disaster events
previously listed could impact Gaston County severely
and include several of the following possibilities.
- Loss of electric power
- Failure of the water distribution system
- Severance of road/highway network
- Necessity for mass care and feeding operations
- Evacuation of people from the county
- Need for debris clearance and removal
- Multiple injuries and fatalities
- Drastic increase in media attention
- Damage to the emergency communications network
- Damage to the telephone network
- Economic impact
- Increased number of vermin/vectors
- Need for official public information and rumor
- Need for State and Federal assistance
- Re-entry of essential personnel and equipment
- Re-entry of the public
- Damage to vital records
- Need for damage assessment
- Need for auxiliary power
- Need for coordination of donated goods
- Contamination of private wells
- Over taxing local resources
- Depth of staffing problems
- Loss of facilities vital to maintaining essential
- Environmental impact/wildlife, natural resources,
and agricultural
- Management of reconstruction
- Coordination of staged resources
- Isolation of populations
2. |
The occurrence of one or more than one of the previously
listed hazards could result in a true catastrophic
disaster situation, which would grossly overwhelm local
and state resources.
3. |
It is necessary for Gaston County to plan for and to
carry out disaster response and recovery operations
utilizing local resources, however, it is likely that
outside assistance would be needed and available in most
major disaster situations affecting the county.
4. |
Officials of Gaston County are aware of the possible
occurrence of an emergency or major disaster and their
responsibilities in the execution of this plan and will
fill these responsibilities as needed.
V. |
A. |
As required by General Statutes 166A-2, it is the
responsibility of Gaston County Government to organize
and plan for the protection of life and property from
the effects of emergency/disaster.
B. |
Gaston County utilizes the four phases of Comprehensive
Emergency Management in designing and implementing the
emergency services program. These phases are:
1. |
Mitigation - Through the planning departments, the
building and the fire inspection programs, county and
municipal governments use codes, standards, and
ordinances to prevent industry from impacting on
residential areas and also prevents sub-standard
building construction and construction in flood prone
areas. Education of the private business sector and the
public about potential disaster effects also prevents
injury and death from disasters.
2. |
Preparedness - Through disaster planning and recognition
of hazards likely to affect the area, the county and
municipal agencies prepare for potential disasters.
County agencies are offered training and equipment in
preparation for a disaster and each department is
responsible for seeing that their responders have
adequate training to carry out assigned functions. Many
other programs are offered to the business community and
residents of Gaston County to help them be prepared.
Gaston County encourages businesses to plan for
potential disastrous events.
3. |
Response - When a disaster occurs the county and
municipal agencies respond either as direct assistance
to the disaster area or as a support agency to the first
responders on-scene. The response agencies should act
within their scope of training and can call upon outside
resources as needed to mitigate further damages. The
Response Phase may last several hours to many days
depending on the type of disaster. Many times the
recovery process will begin while many agencies are
still responding.
4. |
Recovery - After the immediate short term emergency
needs of an area are controlled, the county and
municipal governments begin a recovery process that may
take several days to many months or years. Response
agencies will determine what impacts have been made on
the community and what will need to be done to put the
community back to pre-disaster conditions. Many times
this effort will overwhelm the jurisdiction and
assistance from State and Federal Government will be
C. |
Gaston County provides many emergency services to the
citizens of the county on a daily basis. Some of the
services overlap into city/town government
jurisdictions. While the cities/towns within the county
provide many services to their citizens, they also
depend on Gaston County for services such as emergency
medical, social services, mental health, sheltering of
evacuees, and emergency management.
D. |
Each city/town government in Gaston County will maintain
its own operations in the event of a disaster. However,
if a municipal government's resources prove to be
inadequate during an emergency event, requests for
county resources may be needed to keep the city/town
governments normal operations functional. There are
municipal governments in the county that will be able
to remain completely functional without outside
resources, but some towns may become totally dependent
on the county resources.
E. |
As requests for resources become overwhelming, the
Gaston County Office of Emergency Management will
coordinate with adjoining counties for additional
available assistance. Emergency Management will also
work with the North Carolina Division of Emergency
Management to utilize state resources when county
capabilities become exhausted.
F. |
When needed the Gaston County Commissioners can declare
a "State of Emergency", as directed by General Statute
166A-8, to assist the local emergency response agencies
in carrying out their duties and for the protection of
the citizens and property within the disaster area.
Municipalities can independently declare a "State of
Emergency” in the event of a disaster or by resolution
they can accept a County "State of Emergency" when
G. |
When a disaster overwhelms the capability of state and
local governments, resources of federal departments and
agencies may be needed.
H. |
Local governments will use their normal channel for requesting assistance and/or resources, through the
Gaston County Office of Emergency Management to the
State Emergency Operations Center. If state resources
have been exhausted, the State will arrange to provide
the needed resource(s) using the Emergency Support
Functions as described in the National Response
I. |
The National Response Framework establishes the basis
for fulfilling the Federal government's role in
providing response and recovery assistance to a state
and its' affected local governments impacted by any
significant disaster requiring Federal response.
J. |
Under the National Response Framework, departments and
agencies having various authorities and resources have
been assigned primary and support agency
responsibilities for various Emergency Support
Functions. These Emergency Support Functions will work
in concert with state agencies to provide the needed resource(s).
K. |
Adoption of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
On October 28, 2004 the Gaston County Commissioners adopted by Resolution the National Incident Management
System (NIMS) as the jurisdiction’s official
all-hazards, incident response system. NIMS is a
comprehensive national approach to incident management.
NIMS is defined as a consistent nationwide approach for
federal, state, tribal and local governments to work
effectively and efficiently together to prepare for,
prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic
incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity.
NIMS outlines a standard incident management organization
called the Incident Command System (ICS) that established
five functional areas: command, operations, planning,
logistics and finance/administration for management of
all major incidents. This is reflected in our direction and control
annex and in our EOC procedure.
L. |
Under the provisions of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, a Federal
Coordinating Officer will be appointed as the
President's representative to coordinate overall
delivery of Federal assistance. Federal departments and
agencies have been assigned missions to provide
assistance directly to the state, under the overall
direction of the Federal Coordinating Officer. Gaston
County will appoint a Local Coordinating Officer to act
as the contact for State and Federal Coordinating
Officers, usually the Emergency Management
M. |
State Role and Support:
Requests for state resources will be
made through the Gaston County Emergency Management
Administrator to the NC Division of Emergency
Management State Emergency Operation Center
(800-858-0368). The State Emergency Response Team (SERT)
will be fully or partially activated as necessary to
support the County's requests.
Additionally, it is expected SERT will have a role
in most, if not all disasters. The Division of
Emergency Management will provide support to the
Gaston County Emergency
Management Administrator. This support includes,
but is not limited to:
On scene
response by the Area Coordinator or designee.
Assistance with dissemination of
emergency public information.
Relay of information from State
and Federal Agencies.
Coordination of State agencies
during events.
Transmittal and tracking of
resource requests.
Assistance with planning,
training and recovery operations.
VI. |
A. |
Organization: Most of the departments within local
government have emergency functions in addition to their
normal duties. Each department is responsible for
developing and maintaining their standard operating
procedures and notification/recall rosters. Specific
responsibilities are outlined below under the section
entitled "Responsibilities". Responsibilities for
certain organizations that are not a part of local
government are also presented.
B. |
1. |
Chairman, County Commissioners/Mayors of Cities or Towns |
Carry out appropriate provisions of North Carolina General Statutes, in addition to local ordinances relating
to emergencies.
Declare a State of Emergency at the County/Municipal
level and assume direction and control of emergency
operations within the designated jurisdiction.
Request assistance from State government through the
Gaston County Office of Emergency Management, as needed, to control an emergency.
Ensure that information, damage assessment and other
reports are forwarded through the NC Emergency
Management, Western Branch Office to the
State Division of Emergency Management regarding an
Be familiar with the National Incident Management
System (NIMS IS700 and IS800B), Incident Command System and incident
Nominate the Local Emergency Planning Committee, as
identified by Title III of SARA, for appointment by
the State Emergency Response Commission.
Perform other functions necessary to mitigate loss
of life and property.
2. |
County Manager/City or Town Manager |
Ensure County/City/Town agencies develop and
continually update emergency plans and guidelines to respond to
Ensure that exercises and tests of the emergency
systems are conducted on a periodic basis through
the Emergency Management Administrator.
Ensure that representatives for Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) staff are designated to report to the
EOC upon activation to assist with providing
direction and control.
The County Manager, when directed, acts on behalf of
the Chairman, County Commissioners in the control of
emergency operations and implementation of emergency
policies/ordinances as appropriate in conjunction
with the Emergency Management Administrator.
The City/Town Mangers, when directed, act on behalf
of the Mayor and Council/Alderman in control of
emergency operations for the municipality,
implementing policies/ordinances as needed.
Ensure that financial records of expenditures,
including federal documentation, are
kept during emergencies.
Function as the Official County spokesperson and Public Information Officer or assure that a
qualified trained PIO is in place.
Be familiar with the National Incident Management
System (NIMS IS700 and IS800B), Incident Command System and incident
Ensure, through the Chairman of the LEPC, that
facilities within Gaston County having hazardous
materials are reporting as required.
3. |
Emergency Management Administrator (also see County's Ordinances Chapter 5) |
Gaston County's Ordinances - Chapter 5
The Coordinator shall be responsible to the governing bodies of the cities and the county in regard to all phases of emergency management activity. The Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, coordination and operation of the emergency management activities in the county. The Coordinator shall maintain liaison with the State and Federal authorities and the authorities of nearby political subdivisions so as to insure the most effective operation of the emergency management plans. The Coordinator's duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Coordinating the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the cities and the county for emergency management purposes.
- Development and coordinating of plans for the immediate use of all facilities, equipment, manpower and other resources of the cities and county for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to persons and property; and protecting and restoring to usefulness governmental services and public utilities necessary for the public health, safety and welfair.
- Negotiating and concluding agreements with owners or persons in control of building or other property for the use of such building or other property for the emergency management purposes and designating suitable buildings as public shelters.
Through public informational programs, educating the populace as to actions necessary and required for the protection of their persons and property in case of enemy attack or disaster as defined herein, either impending or present.
- Conducting public practice alerts to insure the efficient operation of the emergency management forces and to familiarize residents with emergency management regulations, procedures and operations.
Coordinating the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any emergency management activities.
Perform assigned duties according to State statutes and local ordinances.
- Establish, equip, and ensure readiness of the primary and back-up County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to include communications equipment, status boards and other display devices and provide for operations on a continuous basis, as needed, by providing food, water and other supplies for an effective operation.
Alert and activate, as required, the County Emergency Operations Center and the County Emergency Management organization when informed of an emergency within the county.
- Develop procedures for notifying key officials and activating the Emergency Alerting System.
Serve as the Community Emergency Coordinator as defined by Title III of SARA supporting the LEPC in maintaining liaison with the Facility Emergency Coordinators.
- Along with Red Cross, designate and activate reception and shelter areas within the county to receive evacuees and coordinate with adjoining counties as needed for shelter services.
Identify and arrange for survey of potential shelter locations within Gaston County that will house special needs and institutionalized populations as well as the general population.
- Develop and maintain, with the Public Information Officer (PIO), a public information and education program and disseminate information through the PIO during an emergency.
- Serve as the lead county emergency agency to receive emergency notification for incidents involving the McGuire Nuclear Plant or Catawba Nuclear Plant and inform appropriate officials.
- Maintain contact with the North Carolina Emergency Management during Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents to receive status reports and other information and prepare to activate the EOC should the incident escalate.
- Develop a response plan in regards to the Catawba and McGuire Nuclear Station and have trained radiological monitors for radiological operations within the County.
- Carry out other functions and duties found in the various annexes and procedures that are part of this plan.
- Within the National Response Framework, emergency
management is an Emergency Support Function (ESF-5)
which provides coordination of incident management
and response efforts. This includes issuance of
mission assignments, incident action planning,
resource capital and financial management.
4. |
Public Information Officer (Assistant County Manager or
City/Town Official) |
Prepare procedures for conducting public
information services during disasters to include the
use of the Emergency Alerting System and
verification/authentication of all received sources
of information.
Establish and maintain current inventories and
agreements for public information resources and keep
a working relationship with the media.
Coordinate all media releases pertaining to
emergency planning and operations and clear all
information with appropriate agencies.
Provide for public rumor control (Information to
dispel rumors) and establish a phone bank for
providing emergency information, contacts for those
with missing relatives, information on restricted
areas and locations for emergency care.
Develop media advisories for the public and assist
in the preparation and review of emergency public
information materials for hazards affecting the
Provide emergency public information materials for
the special populations including non‑English
speaking groups and visually impaired.
During an incident involving fixed nuclear
facilities maintain contact with the Joint
Information Center to provide information for news
releases and review any news releases concerning the
county for accuracy of county related information.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
5. |
Gaston County Police |
Plan for conducting traffic control/movement of
evacuees to shelter and other law enforcement
operations throughout the county during disasters.
Develop and maintain mutual aid agreements with
surrounding law enforcement agencies.
Provide security for the EOC, evacuated areas and as needed during the disaster period.
Serve as the lead agency for direction and control
during civil disturbance and other law enforcement
activities coordinating with City/Town law
enforcement agencies as appropriate.
Provide security and control access/reentry to the
damaged area(s) and vital facilities.
Provide, as available, transportation resources for
the movement of critical personnel and equipment.
Assist in warning and notifying affected populations
of existing or impending emergencies.
Provide county emergency communications and 911
systems (primary and backup) through the Communications
Provide a representative to the EOC to assist with
decision making and law enforcement coordination.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
- The Gaston County Police or local municipal police department will serve as the lead investigative agency on missing persons to eliminate any potential foul play. Other county agencies will serve as support to the search operations as needed and requested. Resources needed from outside the County will be coordinated through the Office of Emergency Management along with logistical support as needed.
6. |
Gaston County Sheriff |
Develop and maintain procedures for the relocation
and housing of prisoners.
Provide, as available, transportation resources for
the movement of critical personnel and equipment.
Lead in warning and notifying affected populations
of existing or impending emergencies.
Develop and maintain mutual aid agreements with
surrounding law enforcement agencies.
Provide for security and preservation of courthouse
records and facilities.
Assist with security of evacuated areas and shelters and reception centers and traffic control.
Provide a representative to the EOC to assist with
decision making and law enforcement coordination.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
7. |
Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies |
Plan for conducting traffic control/movement of
evacuees to shelter and other law enforcement
operations throughout the municipality during
Develop and maintain mutual aid agreements with
surrounding law enforcement agencies.
Provide security and control access/reentry to the
damaged area(s) and vital facilities.
Assist in warning and notifying affected populations
of an existing or impending emergency.
- Coordinate municipal law enforcement activities with
other city, county, and state agencies.
- Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
- Local municipal police department will serve as the lead investigative agency in their city on missing persons to eliminate any potential foul play. Other county agencies will serve as support to the search operations as needed and requested. Resources needed from outside the County will be coordinated through the Office of Emergency Management along with logistical support as needed.
8. |
Gaston County Fire Marshal |
Analyze fire potential and plan for coordination of
structural and wildland fire fighting operations throughout the
Develop mutual aid agreements with county fire
Prepare inventories of fire equipment and personnel
and coordinate with the City of Gastonia to provide
trained personnel, protective equipment, instruments
and clothing to perform assigned tasks for incidents
involving hazardous materials.
Provide personnel to assist with staffing EOC operations.
Provide coordination of county fire department
operations and mutual aid from surrounding counties
or municipalities.
Serve as a technological advisor to county agencies
and decision-makers for potential hazards associated
with hazardous materials and fire.
Provide support for decontamination and monitoring
of hazardous materials, including documenting
exposures of personnel and the public.
Coordinate support personnel to assist in traffic
control and damage assessment operations.
Conduct fire inspections, to include shelter
operations, during the recovery period.
In conjunction with law enforcement, fire service
agencies, and the Transportation
establish staging areas for incoming resources from
outside the county.
Coordinate local fire departments to provide
equipment for possible decontamination, as needed.
Provide personnel for EOC management.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
9. |
Gaston County Emergency Medical Services Director |
Plan and develop procedures for dispatch and
coordination of emergency medical/rescue activities,
using an Incident Command System, throughout the
county during disasters and mass casualty incidents.
Develop mutual aid agreements to supplement
emergency medical services.
Coordinate with the hospital disaster coordinator on
use of other medical facilities within the county
for mass casualty incidents and expansion of the
Emergency Medical system.
Provide for the initial decontamination and
treatment of patients contaminated by hazardous
Maintain liaison with American Red Cross and other
volunteer agencies to support first aid and to
supplement emergency medical resources.
Establish a system along, with the Health Department
and Department of Social Services, to check on
residents with special medical needs during
Assist with the transport of medical supplies,
oxygen, etc. to medical facilities and special needs
Develop procedures for activation of a Critical
Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) Team to assist
emergency workers and victims of the disaster.
Provide a support role to Red Cross or Department of
Social Services for shelter operations and to the
County Medical Examiner during a mass fatality incident.
Assist, support and/or provide rescue in
coordination with rescue squads and fire departments.
Assist, support, and/or provide hazmat medical
Serve as the lead agency for field command and
activation of search and underwater diving
operations and USAR.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
10. |
Fire Departments (County) |
Assist in warning and notifying the affected
population of an existing or impending emergency.
Deploy fire personnel and equipment as needed during
Designate staging areas for mutual aid and volunteer
forces responding from other areas.
Assist, support, and/or provide rescue operations in coordination
with rescue squads and GEMS.
Provide hazardous material decontamination support.
Maintain fire security in evacuated areas.
Assist in debris clearance for emergency access in
the disaster area.
Gaston County Fire Association will provide a
liaison to the Emergency Operation Center when it is
- Develop and maintain guidelines and Resource Manuals.
- Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
11. |
Rescue Squads (County) |
Provide a support role for emergency operations as
needed for public warning and traffic control.
Deploy rescue personnel and equipment as needed in
an emergency.
Support the evacuation of special institutions and
handicapped or disabled individuals.
Support search and rescue services for lost
individuals and for individuals unable to evacuate
due to injury.
- Assist, support and or provide rescue in coordination with fire departments and GEMS.
Assist in debris clearance for emergency access in
the disaster area.
Provide services to the County Emergency Medical
Service to include off-road vehicles to reach
isolated areas.
- Support shelter operations by providing medical and
transportation resources.
- Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
12. |
Gaston County Social Services Director |
Plan for coordination of Social Services operations
during disaster.
Coordinate with medical/health care facilities (i.e.
nursing homes, rest homes, etc.) to ensure
development of emergency/evacuation procedures in
conjunction with the Fire Marshal and Emergency
Management Administrator.
Coordinate agreements with other agencies for
supplemental support of DSS activities.
Coordinate emergency activities during response and
recovery with American Red Cross, Salvation Army,
Council on Aging, and other volunteer organizations to include sheltering, mass care, and clothing.
Provide trained personnel for the staffing,
operation and support of DSS or Red Cross Shelters. DSS has primary responsibility in providing shelter
for persons with special needs who cannot be
accommodated in a general population shelter.
Report to the Emergency Operations Center upon
activation to provide coordination and decision
making support for DSS services.
Provide emergency benefits within the resources of
the Department of Social Services.
Coordinate with the Health Department and Mental
Health Agencies to provide support personnel and
services during disasters.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
13. |
Gaston County Communications Director |
Plan and develop procedures for direction of communications and warning systems, including
two‑way radio systems throughout the county,
describing methods of communications between EOC,
field forces, shelter facilities, adjacent
jurisdictions and area/State EOC.
Receive and disseminate warning information and
ensure information related to emergency/disaster
situations is provided to emergency workers, key
officials, special locations such as schools,
hospitals, nursing homes, etc. and alerting the Emergency
Operations Center.
Provide a back-up communications capability.
Develop guidelines for obtaining and restoring
telephone and 911 services during emergencies.
Develop agreements for radio repair and maintenance
under emergency conditions.
Coordinate communications net with surrounding
counties and state agencies.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
14. |
Gaston County Public Works |
Plan for emergency repair of vital county facilities to include providing emergency power, water, and
sanitation during disasters.
Assist Red Cross and DSS with shelter marking and
Assist with debris clearance and removal at county
facilities and shelters.
Develop mutual aid agreements with the
municipalities and adjoining counties to provide
auxiliary heavy equipment if needed.
Provide County Public Works resources to assist with
emergency incidents in the county.
Provide representation to the EOC for coordination
of public works activities and assistance with damage assessment information.
Provide for acceptance of debris at the county
landfill and provide for chipping operations as
Provide for 24-hour fixed and mobile maintenance and
repair of emergency equipment during the disaster
Work with the Emergency Operations Center to provide
officials with recommendations on solid waste
Provide technical engineering support and advice.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
15. |
Gaston County Health Director |
Develop procedures for emergency public health operations including agreements with surrounding
counties for assistance.
Plan for inspection of food, water, and sanitation
in shelters and public eating areas during
Provide nursing staff capabilities within public and special needs shelter to assist with medical and
medication needs.
Implement emergency health awareness and public
information programs through the Health Department
and County Public Information Officer.
Respond to the EOC for coordination of
Department activities to evaluate, detect, prevent
and control communicable disease, waste disposal and
vector/vermin control.
Provide for laboratory facilities to assist with
evaluation of potential contamination.
Assist with recommendations for determining
hazardous chemical or radiological exposure levels
for emergency workers and the public, providing for
exposure inhibiting or mitigating drugs and
Coordinate with mental health agencies to provide
for identified needs.
Provide Health Department facilities for use as
temporary emergency care centers for minor injuries.
Provide information and personnel, upon request, to
assist state agencies with monitoring and the
gathering of samples from food handlers and
processors during a hazardous materials or
radiological incident.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
16. |
Medical Examiner |
Respond to notifications of fatalities from local
authorities, identify needed resource equipment and
establish an adequate morgue system for mass
Supervise the relocation and transportation of the
remains of the deceased.
Develop procedures for the recovery, registration,
identification and cause of death of the deceased
utilizing the State Medical Examiners Office as a
support agency when needed.
Issue death certificates, notify next-of-kin and
release the remains and personal effects to proper
Issue press releases in conjunction with the Public
Information Officer.
- Coordinate with funeral directors, pathologists,
American Red Cross, dentists, x-ray technicians and
law enforcement agencies for assistance.
- Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
17. |
Superintendent of Schools |
Support transportation operations during evacuations
or return of evacuees.
Report to the Emergency
Operations Center or designate a schools
representative to coordinate school functions and
emergency operations and serve as an advisor.
Provide support personnel (school counselors, bus
drivers, and cafeteria staff) to support disaster
Provide for the use of school buses (NCGS 115C-242(6)) and other
transportation resources as required or requested.
Coordinate letters of agreement to provide school
facilities to be used as shelters for mass care and
feeding, temporary medical facilities, and Disaster
Application Centers.
Provide school system fuel vehicles to support
emergency operations.
Direct and plan for the notification/warning and evacuation of school populations.
Provide for preparation of meals for shelters and
emergency workers as needed during major disasters.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
18. |
Radiological Officer (not a paid full time County position) |
Develop a Radiological Protection System and procedures for
the county in accordance with Federal and State laws and guidelines.
Establish a system to obtain radiation exposure and
contamination rates using a network of reporting
Provide radiological support to hazardous materials
response teams.
Coordinate with the Public Information Officer to
prepare information for radiological emergencies.
Establish a distribution system for radiological
protection equipment.
Coordinate with the emergency service's chiefs to
ensure annual training of key personnel involved
with radiological monitoring or response.
Carry out functions and duties assigned within the McGuire and Catawba
Nuclear Stations emergency response plan.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
19. |
Finance Officer (County/Municipal) |
Plan for assisting in the acquisition of available
resources for emergency purposes.
Develop financial accounting record procedures for
county/city/town agencies to report their emergency
Be familiar with Federal Public
Assistance documentation and the FEMA Equipment
Allowable Cost schedule.
Develop procedures for the procurement and delivery
of essential resources and supplies.
Ensure that response agencies initiate documentation
of all costs incurred subsequent to the disaster.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
20. |
Damage Assessment Officer (County/City Inspections and
Tax Departments) |
Develop and train personnel for the purpose of
conducting damage assessment within appropriate
Report to the Emergency Operations Center to
organize and deploy damage assessment teams and
provide for a system to collect data and prepare
damage assessment reports for County and State
Along with the Emergency Management Administrator
develop, review, and annually update procedures for
damage assessment reporting and accounting.
As damage assessment reports are compiled, identify,
maintain and distribute to the appropriate agencies
a list of vital facilities requiring priority
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
21. |
American Red Cross |
Serve as lead agency for providing shelter/mass care
operations with the Department of
Social Services, the Salvation Army, and the Health
Department for support.
Assist Health Department with personnel to
help organize and operate special needs shelters.
Coordinate damage assessment activities with the County Damage Assessment
Provide shelter managers and supplies for shelter
Provide for training of managers and staff for
shelter operations.
Coordinate with the Salvation Army to provide mobile
feeding operations of emergency workers.
Provide for unmet needs of disaster victims and
establish Assistance Centers when Presidential
Declarations are unlikely.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
22. |
Cooperative Extension Service |
Operate out of the County Emergency Operations
Center during a disaster or nuclear power incident to serve as
technical advisor on agriculture and liaison to the
agricultural community.
Assist State sampling teams operating in the county
as requested during fixed nuclear facility
Maintain contact with the N. C. State University
Cooperative Extension Service representative at the
State Emergency Operations Center.
Coordinate public information distribution (Family
Preparedness, Consumer Issues, and Food Preparation)
with the Health Department and the County Public
Information Officer.
Assist the EOC in identifying and coordinating
assistance for agricultural needs within the county.
Coordinate agricultural damage assessment teams with
the County Damage Assessment Officer.
Provide assistance to the Health Department with
water sampling.
Assist with activities for youth and adult financial
counseling during emergency operations.
- Assist with CAMET operations at pet-friendly shelter
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
Within the National Response Framework, agriculture
and natural resources is an Emergency Support
Function (ESF-11)
and incorporates nutrition assistance, animal and
plant disease and pest response, food safety and
security. Additionally, this ESF provides cultural
resources and historic properties protections and
23. |
Animal Control |
Lead during shelter operations for CAMET operations to provide for the use of
Animal Control personnel and equipment to assist persons evacuating with domestic animals.
Plan for animal control
and protection during emergencies/disasters.
Provide vehicles and staff to assist with
transportation of vital personnel and equipment
during emergency operations.
Provide for continuation of animal and rabies
control during the disaster period.
Assist livestock owners in arranging for housing of
large animals (farm animals).
Provide personnel to reenter hazardous areas to
provide for feeding and care of animals
inadvertently left behind during
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
24. |
Transportation Coordinator (ACCESS - Central
Transportation Director) |
Assist in coordination of emergency
transportation services, including evacuations.
Develop procedures for activation of Central
Transportation facilities to support emergency
operations and evacuations.
Provide radio-equipped buses and vans, including
handicapped accessible vehicles, to assist with
transport of special
needs populations and other evacuees.
Provide shuttle services as needed for key emergency
workers during the disaster period.
Coordinate with law enforcement and emergency
management to identify and designate transportation
Coordinate with the Superintendent of Schools or
their designee for use of school buses and other transportation
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
25. |
Mental Health (Gaston-Lincoln Mental Health) |
Contact the Emergency Operations Center to
coordinate mental health activities and services.
Provide councilors as needed to work in the disaster
area or shelters.
Take referrals as a result of Critical Incident
Stress Debriefings for emergency workers.
Provide facilities as needed for critically affected
disaster victims.
Carry out other functions and duties found in the
various annexes and
procedures that are part of this plan.
26. |
Salvation Army |
Coordinate with the Emergency Operations Center and
the American Red Cross to provide disaster
assistance and relief during a disaster.
Support disaster operations with Salvation Army
facilities and mobile feeding units.
Serve as the lead agency and develop procedures for
receipt and management of donated goods and services
within Gaston County.
- Support Mental Health with counseling services.
27. |
United Way |
Coordinate roles among the Red Cross, Salvation Army
and other volunteer human services agencies.
Donations Management
To be first call station for citizens not knowing
where to go.
- To provide mental stamina.
- Provide for unmet needs within the scope of provider agencies.
VII. |
A. |
The possibility that emergency and disaster occurrences
could result in disruption of government functions
necessitates that all levels of local government and
their departments develop and maintain procedures to
ensure continuity of government. These procedures will
name who will be the decision‑makers if an elected
official or department head is not available.
B. |
Line of Succession
1. |
The line of succession of the County Board of
Commissioners proceeds from the Chairman to the members
of the board in accordance with County policy.
2. |
Lines of succession for the Emergency Management
Administrator will be selected by management or the Board of Commissioners in the absence of the Administrator. Other department/agency heads with emergency
responsibilities are shown in the appropriate annexes.
3. |
Municipal government lines of succession will be
dependent on the type of management systems used in the
thirteen cities/towns within Gaston County. These lines
of succession should be reflected within the local
jurisdictions Emergency Operating Procedures.
C. |
Preservation of Vital Records
1. |
It is the responsibility of the elected officials to
ensure that all legal documents of both a public and
private nature recorded by designated officials be
protected and preserved in accordance with existing
laws, statutes, and ordinances.
2. |
Each department/agency is responsible for the
preservation of essential records to ensure continued
operational capabilities.
D. |
Relocation of Government
1. |
The County provides for the relocation of the governing
body to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during
times of emergency if necessary. (NCGS
2. |
If the primary EOC is determined inoperable, the
governing body will relocate to an alternate EOC
facility as needed. Use of County facilities will be
first considered such as the Admin. Building's conference
rooms, DSS conference room or Health Department's
conference room.
A. |
1. |
The primary emergency services communications
center operates continuously 24 hours per day and is
administered by the Gaston County Police Department. The
Cities of Belmont, Cherryville, Mount Holly, Dallas and
the Town of Stanley provide various levels of 24 hour
dispatching services to their citizens.
2. |
The operational readiness of the EOC is the
responsibility of the Emergency Management
B. |
Records and
1. |
County government must maintain records of expenditures
and obligations made during emergency operations.
2. |
Narratives and operational journals of response actions
will be kept.
C. |
Consumer Protection
1. |
Consumer complaints pertaining to alleged unfair or
illegal business practices during emergencies will be
referred to the State Attorney General's Consumer
Protection Division.
D. |
1. |
There will be no discrimination on grounds of race,
color, religion, nationality, sex, age, or economic
status in the execution of disaster preparedness or
disaster relief and assistance functions.
2. |
This policy applies equally to all levels of government,
contractors, and labor unions.
E. |
Agreements and Understandings
1. |
Agreements and understandings must be entered into by
duly authorized officials and should be formalized in
writing whenever possible prior to emergency situations.
2. |
Should local government resources prove to be inadequate
during emergency operations, requests for assistance
will be made to other jurisdictions, higher levels of
government, and other agencies in accordance with
existing or emergency negotiated mutual‑aid agreements and understandings. Requests for State and Federal
resources must be made through the local Emergency
Management Administrator to State EOC.
3. |
Organizations tasked with responsibilities in the
implementation of this plan are responsible for
providing their own administrative and logistical needs
and for the preparation and maintenance of a resource
list for use in carrying out their emergency
IX. |
A. |
The County Manager through the Emergency Management
Administrator ensures all officials involved conduct
annual review of this plan and that
appropriate revision efforts are taken. That shall
include review of those portions of the plan actually
implemented during an emergency.
B. |
changes, modifications, additions, deletions and/or
corrections to this plan may be determined to be
administrative in nature and may not require approval of
the Gaston County Board of Commissioners or the
re-approval or promulgation of the entire plan.
Decisions regarding such shall be made by the Emergency
Management Administrator in coordination and consultation
with the County Manager. If the County Manager feels the
updates, changes, modifications, additions, deletions
and/or corrections to this plan are of such significance
that Board action is advised, the Emergency Management
Administrator shall prepare appropriate documentation and
submit the documentation, through normal channels, to
the Board of Commissioners for consideration.
updates, changes, modifications, additions, deletions
and/or corrections to this plan and/or any policy,
procedure or annex that is part of this plan, may be
made as an interim measure with approval of Chairman of
the Board of Commissioners without prior consent or
approval of the entire Board sitting in either regular
or emergency session.
C. |
This plan shall be exercised in accordance with the
State and/or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
exercise program to ensure a readiness posture for those
who have an emergency responsibility. At the least, this
plan or portions of this plan will be exercised at least
annually. Exercise of the plan includes, but is not
limited to drills, training and actual events.
Attachment 1
Direction and Control Organizational Structure

Attachment 2
Functional Responsibility Matrix
Attachment 3
Gaston County Map

(click on the image above for a larger
view) |
Attachment 4
Authorities and References
The following authorities and references are listed for
reference purposes only and are not included in the
planning document. A support document with some of the
referenced items will be distributed to certain key
individuals. Anyone who needs access to these references
that does not have a copy of the support document should
contact the Gaston County Office of Emergency
Federal / National:
Gaston County: