I. |
of the EOC
A. |
To develop and maintain awareness of the emergency
situation for the Chief Executive Official or
Representative. The EOC must receive, analyze and
display information about the emergency that enables
Chief Executive Official or Representative to make
decisions. The EOC demonstrates this by displaying
information, data and needs in the EOC.
B. |
To centralize coordination of emergency resources. The
EOC must find, prioritize, assign and track critical
emergency resources. The EOC demonstrates this by
displaying information about completed coordination.
C. |
The EOC is located at
the Gaston County Emergency
Management Office, 615 North Highland St., Gastonia, NC.
D. |
The Operations Room's Role
Operations Room plays a central role in the EOC. The
EOC Manager supervises the Operations Room through
the Operations Chief who in turn directs the EOC Staff
Function Coordinators and other staff.
All responsibilities within the EOC are
important. However, the Operations Room is key to
centralized coordination.
E. |
The Gaston County EOC will
be manned by representatives of Gaston County and municipal
governments involved in emergency operations and
persons from volunteer organizations/agencies as appropriate.
In some cases, representatives of state and federal
agencies or organizations will be present.
II. |
A. |
Warning / Alerts
1. |
Source and Means of Receipt
Warnings / Alerts may be
received from any source and by any means. The more
likely sources and means are shown below. Warnings or
other such messages will be verified to preclude unnecessary reaction to
possible pranks or misdirected notifications.
- On-the-scene personnel
- Weather Service
- State Highway Patrol
- Division of Criminal
Information (DCI)
- State EM Area Coordinator
- State Warning Point
- News Media
- Public
- Hazardous materials fixed
facilities in the county
2. |
Persons to Receive Messages
- Warning may be received by
the Gaston County Communications Center
Gaston County Emergency Management Administrator or his
representative may also receive Warnings / Alerts.
B. |
Alerting Procedures
Upon receipt of a valid
warning message, the
Emergency Management Administrator will:
1. |
Consult with the appropriate
county and/or municipal officials and make recommendations
for the activation of the EOC.
2. |
alerting/notification procedures thru the 911 Center to extent directed by
the County Manager or other appropriate elected or
appointed official. Notification to be done by pagers and or phone call.
3. |
Officials notified or alerted will
inform those individuals and/or departments for which they are responsible.
C. |
When activation of the EOC occurs, each EOC Staff
Member is to:
1. |
Report to the EOC.
2. |
Check-in with the EOC Manager.
3. |
Review the situation report displays in the Operations
4. |
Ensure your name is listed on the current EOC
organization chart display for Shift A, B or C.
5. |
Read the EOC Staff
Binder appropriate to your position and set up your
work station.
6. |
Start a Log which chronologically describes your actions
during your shift.
7. |
The time for the next Operations Briefing is on
Display No.4. During
the Briefing, you may be asked to summarize your
activities according to the following outline:
Summary of Actions since last Operations Briefing
Anticipated support problems or needs
Planned Actions before next Operations Briefing
III. |
A. |
1. |
Full Activation
2. |
Limited (Partial) Activation
- Sections will be represented as directed by the
Emergency Management Administrator.
B. |
Operations Center sections will be
composed of the following:
1. |
- Chief executives (i.e.,
County Commission, County Manager)
- Emergency Management
Administrator (EOC Manager)
- Public Information Officer
- Liaison Officer
- S.E.R.T. (State Emergency
Response Team) Representative
- Safety Officer
2. |
- Operations
- Deputy Operations Manager
- Law Enforcement
- Fire / Rescue
- Emergency Medical Services
- Transportation Resources
- Mass Care
3. |
- Inspections
- Solid Waste
- Cooperative Extension
- Information Technology/GIS
- Hazardous Materials
- Radiological
- Animal
- Utilities
- Other technical support
4. |
EOC Logistics
- Security
- EOC Services
- EOC Communications
- WebEOC
- Duke WebEOC
- 911
- Phone Bank
- Runner
5. |
- Cost Recovery
- Purchasing
- Documentation
IV. |
A. |
General Duties and
1. |
Chief Executives
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities:
On behalf of the highest elected official of the
jurisdiction, ensure that necessary and appropriate
actions are taken to protect people and property
from the consequences of emergencies or disasters.
Specific Responsibilities:
Consider the advice of the EOC Manager and make
decisions that are jurisdiction-wide in
Write out broad jurisdiction Objectives to
protect people and property from the consequences of
emergencies or disasters and then communicate them
to the EOC Manager.
Write out broad jurisdiction Priorities for
necessary and appropriate actions and communicate
them to the EOC Manager.
Issue appropriate emergency or
disaster declarations
on behalf of the highest elected official of the
affected jurisdiction.
Through the EOC Manager, direct the EOC in
centralizing the
of jurisdiction resources.
EOC Manager
(see detailed
information in the
Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities:
Primary interface between the EOC
facility and elected officials. Supervise all EOC
activities including coordination of response and
recovery through the Operations Chief. Coordinate
flow of information, internal and external
communications, command and control, and physical
operation of the EOC.
Specific Responsibilities:
Help the Chief Executive Official
or Representative set overall objectives and
priorities, and then communicate the results to
the EOC staff by defining tactical objectives
and response coordination priorities.
In collaboration with the Chief Executive
Official or Representative, Operations Chief, or
function coordinators:
Analyze the situation.
Determine the EOC level of activation.
Enforce EOC procedures.
Information Officer (PIO)
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities:
Advise the EOC Manager on all Public Information
Specific Responsibilities:
Ensure that the jurisdiction
"speaks with one voice" (from one release point
throughout the emergency) through the EOC
Manage all aspects of Emergency
Information (EPI) on behalf of the Chief
Executive Official.
Stay abreast of Public Information activities
and resource status through the EOC displays and
update the EOC Manager.
Anticipate the wider public's interest and
desire to help or seek information.
Give the public accurate, timely, and useful
information and instructions.
Develop productive relationships with the news
Supervise the Media Briefing Room.
- Liaison Officer
(see detailed information in the
Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities:
Act as the point of contact for personnel from
assisting or cooperating agencies outside the EOC
jurisdiction including the U.S. military and State
or other government agencies.
Specific Responsibilities:
Alert personnel from assisting or cooperating
Provide up-to-date information about EOC Operations
and facilities to assisting or cooperating agencies.
Advise the EOC Manager about resource capabilities
from assisting or cooperating agencies.
Perform other duties as instructed by the EOC
2. |
- Deputy Operations
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities:
Supervise the EOC Message System and manage the
Message LOG binder, so that the Operations Chief can
direct the EOC with "hands free" and perform the
duties of Operations Chief in his/her absence.
- EOC Log
reports to the Deputy Operations Chief (see
detailed information in the
EOC Staff
Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Record all major events by time line that occurs in
the EOC. Perform data entry tasks as needed.
Specific Responsibilities:
Use Word or other suitable program to record all
major activities and events in the EOC and to
project onto wall display for entire EOC staff to
Review Message Forms from Deputy Operations Chief DISPLAY BOX, to see if any of these events should be
May (as needed) also monitor WebEOC depending on
staff availably.
- Operations Scribe
reports to the Deputy Operations Chief (see
detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Hand print information from message forms onto EOC
Operations Room displays. Perform data entry tasks
as needed.
Specific Responsibilities:
Review Message Forms from Deputy Operations Chief DISPLAY BOX.
Post information on appropriate Operations Chief
Information must be readable from across the EOC
Operations Room.
Mark form "Displayed."
Return displayed message forms to the Message File
binder or to the Deputy Operations Chief's IN-BOX.
- Law Enforcement
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities: Advise the Operations Chief on all matters
pertaining to
Law Enforcement capabilities and
Specific Responsibilities:
Stay abreast of the following
activities and resource status through the EOC
displays and the EOC Manager:
Law Enforcement
- Evacuation
Coordinator reports to the Law Enforcement
Coordinator (see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Advise the Law Enforcement Coordinator on all
matters pertaining to
Evacuation capabilities
and activities.
Specific Responsibilities:
Identify and select evacuation routes.
Prepare evacuation movement control plans
and brief the Law Enforcement Coordinator.
Coordinate the movement of evacuees from the
hazard area to shelters or mass care
facilities, if appropriate.
- Warning
Coordinator reports to the Law Enforcement
Coordinator (see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Advise the Law Enforcement Coordinator on all
matters pertaining to
Warning capabilities and
Specific Responsibilities:
Activate the public warning system to
receive and communicate timely warnings to
appropriate officials and to the public
concerning actual or potential emergency or
disaster conditions.
Fire /
Rescue Coordinator
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities: Advise the Operations Chief on all
Fire & Rescue
Specific Responsibilities:
Stay abreast of Fire and Rescue, Emergency Medical
Services and Health and Medical activities and
resource status through the EOC displays and
Coordinate resource requests for Fire and Rescue,
Emergency Medical Services and Health and Medical
field operations.
EMS, Health, Medical
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities:
Advise the Operations Chief on all
matters pertaining to
Health and
capabilities and activities.
Specific Responsibilities:
Coordinate health and medical resource requests
from responders in the field.
Alert auxiliary or reserve health and medical
personnel, if potentially needed.
Coordinate the location, procurement, screening,
and allocation of health and medical supplies
and resources, including human resources,
required to support health and medical
Define categories for Casualty Statistics for
consistent casualty reporting.
Transportation and Resources Coordinator
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position)
General Responsibilities: Stay abreast of
Transportation and
Resources activities and resource
status through the EOC displays and through contact
with the Transportation and Resources agencies.
Specific Responsibilities:
Determine the
Specialized resources that are unavailable
to responding agencies and their Function
Coordinators at the Emergency Operations
Exhausted supplies and resources of
emergency response agencies.
Supply needs generated by the emergency.
Obtain needed resources and supplies.
financial and legal accountability.
Distribute supplies.
Mass Care Coordinator (see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities: Advise the
Operations Chief on all Mass Care matters.
Specific Responsibilities:
Stay abreast of
Mass Care
activities and resource status through the EOC
displays and the Mass Care resources.
Recommend to the Operations Chief the
number and locations of mass care facilities
to be opened.
Alert persons and organizations identified in
the mass care resource list about the possible
need for services and facilities.
Coordinate the necessary actions to ensure mass
care facilities are opened and staffed, as
Human Services Coordinator
to: Mass Care Coordinator
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Advise the Mass Care Coordinator on all Human
Services matters.
Specific Responsibilities:
Stay abreast of Human Services activities and
resource status through the EOC displays and the
Mass Care resources.
Plan for coordination of social services operations
during disaster.
Coordinate emergency activities during response and
recovery with American Red Cross, Salvation Army,
Aging, and other volunteer organizations to include
sheltering, mass care, and clothing.
Provide trained personnel for the staffing,
operation and support of
or Red Cross Shelters. DSS has primary
responsibility in providing shelter for persons with
special needs who cannot be accommodated in a
general population shelter.
Coordinate with the Health Department and Mental
Health Agencies to provide support personnel and
services during disasters.
3. |
- Planning Chief
reports to the EOC Manager
(see detailed information in the
Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Work closely with EOC staff and field personnel in
formulating the best possible picture of the current
Work closely with EOC staff and field personnel in
determining the incident strategy and tactical
Plan for relief and replacement of staff as
appropriate. Acquire support staff as needed.
Ensure the
Action Plan (IAP) is constructed, copied and
disseminated to all incident personnel.
Provide periodic status reports to the EOC.
4. |
EOC Logistics
The EOC Logistics Section is
headed by the EOC Logistics Chief who reports to the EOC
Manager. This section is responsible for
maintaining displays within the EOC and the general
management of EOC resources and security. The majority
of the functions assigned to this group are
administrative in nature.
- Logistics Chief
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Manage EOC facility resources
and security.
Specific Responsibilities:
Support EOC activities and staff by
providing those services and supplies necessary to
ensure a productive work environment.
Provide and maintain an effective communication
system within the EOC facility, and between the EOC
and appropriate outside organizations.
Supervise the EOC Message Center staff.
Stay abreast of emergency activities and resource
status through the EOC displays.
EOC Security (see detailed
information in the
Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Supervise general security for the EOC facility.
Local law enforcement is tasked to provide physical
security to the EOC facility.
EOC Reception reports to EOC Security (see detailed
information in the
Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Assist in preventing unauthorized persons from
entering the EOC.
Specific Responsibilities:
Ensure that each Visitor who wants access to the EOC
wears a Visitor Badge.
Log each person in who will work in the EOC.
Write the person's name and assigned position
on a self-stick name tag.
EOC Services (see detailed
information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Support EOC activities and staff by providing those
services and supplies necessary to ensure a
productive work environment.
Specific Responsibilities:
Provide food and beverages to EOC staff in the
appropriate eating areas.
Maintain supplies for both
EOC Operations such as Message forms; and
facility areas such as restrooms, kitchens, break
areas, and sleeping rooms.
Maintain the EOC facility utilities to include power
generation equipment.
EOC Communications (see detailed
information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Provide and maintain an effective communication
system within the EOC, and between the EOC and
appropriate outside organizations.
Specific Responsibilities:
Supervise the EOC Message Center.
Ensure that the EOC Message Center is properly
staffed at all times: Qualify Radio / Telephone
Operators and Runners using the Aptitude and
Qualification Tests as needed during emergencies.
Maintain communications equipment for all EOC staff.
Repair and implement backup communication systems.
Ensure that the EOC maintains continuous
communications during EOC relocations.
Provide and maintain primary communications for the
Emergency Operations Center on a 24-hour basis using
all available public and private communications
Coordinate communications and warnings radio
Radio, Telephone Operator
reports to EOC Communications (see detailed
information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities: Receive messages
coming into the EOC by voice and print message data
on the EOC Message Form.
Specific Responsibilities: Place completed
EOC Message forms in OUT BOX for the EOC Runner.
reports to EOC Communications
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff
Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Analyze and route completed incoming Message Forms
from EOC OUT BOXES to the appropriate EOC Staff
Specific Responsibilities:
Continually check EOC Message Center and EOC Staff
OUT BOXES when not delivering messages information.
Analyze incoming Message Forms and assign Priority
when needed. Requests for resources or
sensitive information and information about new
incidents or major events should be marked URGENT.
Use your judgment.
Route information on Message Forms or forms to the
appropriate EOC Staff members.
When in doubt about any of the responsibilities
above, consult with the Operations Chief or Deputy
Operations Chief.
5. |
This Section is under the
direction of the
Finance Chief.
Finance Chief
(see detailed information in the
Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Continuously estimate response costs using
information from message forms, reports and the EOC
Specific Responsibilities:
Ensure that proper accounting and purchasing
procedures are in place and are executed in a timely
fashion to support all EOC activities.
Organize and supervise all documentation activities
in support of claims and reimbursement requests
resulting from emergency activities.
Identify, document, and track all relevant
response related expenditures.
Stay abreast of Public Information activities and
resource status through the EOC displays.
Cost Recovery - Compilation reports to the
Finance Chief
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Organize and supervise all documentation activities
in support of claims and reimbursement requests
resulting from EOC activities and jurisdiction
to the Finance Chief
(see detailed information in the
EOC Staff
Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Ensure the proper accounting and purchasing
procedures are in place and are executed in a timely
fashion to support all EOC activities.
to the Finance Chief
(see detailed information in the
Staff Binder for this position).
General Responsibilities:
Identify, document, and track all relevant EOC and
Emergency Response related expenditures.
Specific Responsibilities:
Use copies of the Message Form to compile or
estimate emergency costs.
B. |
Message Control
1. |
Radio communications
received in the EOC will be via the County
Communications Center. All traffic through the Center is
recorded on digital format and in the Computer Aided
Dispatch System.
2. |
Incoming information will be
passed to EOC
Communications for information and
disposition as deemed appropriate.
3. |
Incoming information received via telephone or messenger
will be written using the EOC messaging system.
4. |
Actions taken as a result of
incoming information will be made as an entry in the
5. |
Outgoing Messages: Copies of
messages directing the commitment of resources or
personnel will be made available to the
Operations Chief and the information passed on to the
EOC Manager for review.
V. |
A. |
A register will be
maintained as part of EOC
Security for all personnel engaged in operational
activities in the EOC. Name, title, agency, and time in
and out will be required for record and security
B. |
EOC Section Chiefs or their
designated representatives will be responsible for
notifying members of their staff and providing
alternates as required. Each EOC Section Chief is
responsible for ensuring all EOC positions in their
section are manned or capable of being manned for the
duration of the disaster, emergency or event. When a
position is not manned, regardless of the reason, the
EOC Section Chief will inform the EOC Manager.
C. |
Staff Support
Administrative support of staff members within the EOC will
be provided by County Administration and/ or the
Emergency Management Administrator. EOC logistical
support is provided by the EOC
Logistics section.
D. |
1. |
Bedding is not available within
the EOC but provisions will be provided as needed during prolonged
operations by EOC Services.
2. |
- With exception of special
diets which are the responsibility of the individuals,
meals will be provided within the EOC when circumstances
dictate or outside travel is restricted or curtailed.
- The procurement of
food supplies will be the responsibility of EOC
- Preparation of meals within
the EOC will be accomplished by either EOC Services or
procured from the private sector.
3. |
Personal Items
Each individual reporting to
the EOC for duty will make provisions for their own
personal hygiene requirements, clothing, and any special
dietary needs or prescription drugs.
E. |
Office Supplies
An initial supply of
essential items will be furnished by EOC Services. Subsequent supplies will be made
available from county or retail stocks.
F. |
Transportation to and from
the EOC is the responsibility of the individual. Should
inclement weather or other conditions prelude vehicle
movement, the EOC Manager should be
notified for whatever assistance he can provide.
G. |
Status Information
The following status
information will be maintained up-to-date in the EOC by
the following:
Display No. |
Display Title |
Display Size |
Responsibility |
Width (Inches) |
Height (Inches) |
1 |
Organization-Shifts A, B |
24 |
36 |
Reception |
2 |
Major Events List |
24 |
36 |
Operations Chief |
3 |
Situation Map |
36 |
36 |
Operations Chief |
4 |
Priorities (EOC) |
24 |
36 |
EOC Manager |
5 |
Deaths, Injuries,
Damage |
24 |
36 |
Operations Chief |
6 |
Police & Fire
(Essential Facilities) |
24 |
36 |
Operations Chief |
7 |
Resources: EOC
Staging Area |
36 |
24 |
Operations Chief |
8 |
Cost Estimate |
24 |
36 |
Finance Chief |
9 |
Lifelines Status |
24 |
36 |
Public Works |
10 |
Sheltering |
24 |
36 |
Mass Care |
11 |
Support Resources
Status |
36 |
24 |
Transportation &
Resources |
12 |
Evacuations |
24 |
36 |
Law Enforcement
or Evacuation |
13 |
Road Closures |
24 |
36 |
Law Enforcement |
14 |
Resources Status |
36 |
24 |
Fire, Law Enf,
15 |
Search and Rescue |
24 |
36 |
Fire & Rescue |
16 |
(Spare) |
24 |
36 |
17 |
Hospitals Status
(Essential Facilities) |
24 |
36 |
Health & Medical |
18 |
Medical Patient
Status |
24 |
36 |
Health & Medical |
19 |
Warnings Issued |
24 |
36 |
Warning |
20 |
Weather |
24 |
36 |
Operations Chief |
H. |
Maps that depict the area of
the emergency will be posted and maintained on Display
3 or projected.
I. |
Security will be provided by
local law enforcement. EOC Security will carry
out the following:
1. |
Ensure picture IDs are worn
or carried at all times and only those persons with
proper identification are admitted to the EOC during
operational hours.
2. |
Ensure an accurate log is
kept of all persons entering or exiting the EOC.
3. |
Ensure authorized visitors
are escorted at all times in the EOC.
4. |
Perform perimeter security
checks and ensure appropriate doors are locked or
otherwise secured.
5. |
Perform other security
functions as directed by the ranking law
enforcement officer or the Emergency Management
VI. |
A. |
The staff of
following the receipt of notification of any occurring
or impending event / incident will alert the Emergency
Operations / Key Officials staff by pager or phone calls.
B. |
in the event of an incident classified as a "fast breaker" in that notification of Key Officials is needed prior to obtaining notice by Emergency Management or County Management, Communications will follow guidance given by alerting party. |
VII. |
The line of succession is: |
A. |
Emergency Management Administrator |
B. |
County Management / County Commissioners |
C. |
Fire Marshal |
Attachment 1
Emergency Operations
Center Key Staff Alert List
Name |
Office Number |
Home Number |
Pager/Cell Number |
Attachment 2
EOC ICS Organizational Chart
(clicking on the diagram below will open
it in a separate window for display) |

Attachment 3
Emergency Operations Center General Checklist
(for specific EOC position guidance,
here) |