I. |
This annex outlines the direction and control procedures
for emergency operations and identifies the personnel,
facilities and resources that will be utilized in the
coordinated response activities.
II. |
A. |
1. |
Senior on-scene emergency response personnel (i.e. law
enforcement, fire, rescue, EMS), perform direction and
control of normal day-to-day emergencies in accordance
with local ordinances and Gaston County’s Incident
Command procedure.
2. |
Many hazards exist within or near the
county that have
the potential to cause disasters of such magnitude as to
warrant centralization of the direction and control
(Emergency Operations Center, EOC) function in order to
conduct effective and efficient emergency operations.
3. |
Municipalities within the county may exercise
independent direction and control of their own emergency
resources, outside resources assigned to the
municipality by the Gaston County Emergency Operations
Center, and resources secured through existing mutual
aid agreements with other municipalities. Requests for
state/federal government assistance will be directed to
the Gaston County Office of Emergency Management
Administrator prior to activation.
4. |
Centralized county-wide direction and control (Emergency
Operations Center activation) is desirable when one or
more of the following situations occur:
An imminent threat to the public safety/health
Extensive multi‑agency/multi-jurisdiction response
and coordination are necessary to resolve or recover
from the emergency situation.
Local resources are inadequate/depleted and
significant mutual aid, state and/or federal
resources must be utilized to resolve the emergency
The disaster affects multiple political
jurisdictions within the county, which are relying
on the same emergency resources to resolve the
emergency situation.
Local emergency ordinances are implemented to
control the emergency situation.
5. |
The Gaston County Emergency Operations Center serves as
the central direction and control point for county-wide
emergency response coordination.
6. |
The primary Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is located
in the Emergency Management Offices at 615 North
Highland Street in the City of Gastonia.
7. |
In the event the primary Emergency Operations Center is
inoperable, the back-up Emergency Operations Center can
be set up at either the County’s Admin. Building
conference rooms, DSS conference room or the Health
Department conference room.
8. |
When necessary to relocate the EOC outside of the
geographic area of Gastonia, alternate EOC locations will be selected based on need and availably and services available. Communications at these
locations is supplemented by the Mobile Command Center.
B. |
1. |
The designated Emergency Operations Center will be
activated upon the threat or occurrence of a major
emergency/disaster and designated personnel will be
asked to report to the Emergency Operations Center in a
timely fashion.
2. |
The Gaston County Emergency Operations Center's facility
and equipment are adequate for coordinating county-wide
emergency operations.
3. |
Sufficient procedures have been developed to effectively
direct and control disaster operations/recovery.
4. |
Emergency operations and coordination at all levels of
government will be carried out according to plans and
III. |
A. |
1. |
Emergency operations shall include all activities
directed toward reduction of the immediate hazard,
establishing situation control and restoration of normal
operations within the county.
2. |
The responsibility for the direction and control of
disaster situations is vested in the County Board of
Commissioners or municipal elected officials in their
respective jurisdictions and is routinely exercised
through the Emergency Management Administrator for
Gaston County or the City/Town Manager for the
3. |
Emergency Management Administrator or designee will
activate, organize and operate the Emergency Operations
Center in a flexible manner based on the magnitude of
the situation.
4. |
The organizational structure of the Emergency Operations
Center will be arranged according to the type of
incident, agencies and/or jurisdictions involved
objectives and strategies selected to resolve the
situation and the demands of the emergency.
Municipalities, when needed, will provide liaison
contacts to the County Emergency Operations Center for
inter-jurisdictional coordination when the event
severely affects the jurisdiction or as requested.
5. |
The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners will be
notified by the Emergency Management Administrator when
Emergency Operations Center activation is warranted to
direct and control emergency operations.
6. |
The Emergency Operations Center is the operational area
from which emergency response activities can be
directed, controlled and coordinated. It will be managed
in accordance with the County Emergency Operations
7. |
On-scene activities of emergency response personnel will
be managed utilizing
NIMS and the Gaston County’s
Incident Command System procedure.
B. |
Personnel assigned to the Emergency Operations Center
will operate in one of the common function sections as
assigned by the Emergency Management Administrator.
1. |
The Administration Group, under the direction of the
Chairman of County Commissioners, consists of the
elected officials, jurisdictional management and liaison
officials, jurisdictional Public Information Officer (PIO)
and is responsible for:
The approval of policies and strategies pertinent to
the emergency/disaster situation.
Conducting briefings of the Emergency Operations
Center staff to assure coordination of information.
Compile and maintain documentation of purchases,
acquisition and utilization of emergency supplies,
equipment and other services.
Perform financial and cost analysis to develop
conclusions on efficient methods of resolving and
recovering from the emergency/disaster situation.
Collect, evaluate, display and disseminate
information regarding the incident and status of
Maintain a journal, post data and maintain status
Analyze the predictable probable course of emergency
incident events.
Develop strategies (action plans) and alternatives
to control operations for the incident; and,
Anticipate resource requirements.
2. |
The Operations Group, under the direction
of the EOC Manager or designee
and consisting of the designated representatives of the
agencies conducting emergency and human needs operations and
is responsible for the direct supervision of county
operations including the allocation of resources
necessary to implement the approved strategies and
3. |
The Logistics Group, under the direction of the Logistics Chief is responsible for supporting activities and staff by providing services and supplies necessary to ensure a productive work environment.
4. |
The Finance Group, under the direction of the Finance Chief or designee and established to track response cost, cost recovery, purchasing and documentation.
5. |
The Planning Group under the direction of the Planning Chief and responsible for formulating the best possible picture of current situation, determine incident strategy and tactical objectives, plan for relief and replacement staff, and writes the Incident Action Plan (IAP).
IV. |
A. |
Staffing assignments for positions in the Emergency
Operations Center will allow for continuous 24-hour
operations. Selection and assignment of personnel will
be the responsibility of the participating agencies.
B. |
In the event that the primary Emergency Operations
Center is not functional, the alternate Emergency
Operations Center will be activated. |
Attachment 1
Direction and Control Organizational Structure
